Florid D. Crecco

3 African Women

These 3 African women are friends on

the way to the  Village  Market to make

their living selling the fruit they have

harvested.  Their friendship makes the

hard work of harvesting and carrying

the fruit to the market more tolerable.

Was the inspiration for this piece..

Florida D. Grecco

Lady of the Falls

The inspiration for this painting comes from my growing up in the Philippines.

At 7 or 8 years of age I was walking with my mother on a secluded path to a waterfall. Near the falls I saw a cage like monkeys were kept in, but this one held a naked woman. I asked my mother why she was there and her answer was she is crazy and don't go near as she will scratch you, even her family could not go near. I learned her name was Esmeralda.  The image stayed with me and I imagined Esmeralda got betterand was living by the falls and now healthy looking and fully clothed and happy..  I don't know if she lived or died, but I hoped this was her outcome as she lives on in this painting and in my mind.


Florida D. Grecco


One night back in 2017, I was sound asleep and

dreaming of three horses following me. I awoke from

my dream suddenly at two am and looked for the

three horses and suddenly realizing it was a dream,

I got up and got paint and canvas to capture the

image before it left my head as most dreams do.

I painted me in my pajamas with the three horses

off over my left shoulder watching me as I looked

looked for them.

The Queen

In 2021, I decided The King had been alone long enough and thought he should have a partner.  I sat down and created the Queen.  They are the symbols of my business and provide me with the inspiration for the gallery

Maybe someday they will inspire me to create a Prince or Princess to complete the collection.